Saturday, September 15, 2012


Hi Julia!

I'm pretty sure this is not what you mean by 'soon' when you wrote "Write back soon" in your first e-mail to me! I'm SO sorry for not getting back to you! 

My summer was so busy but a lot of fun. I just became a member of the Haribon Foundation here in the Philippines. It's a group that promotes and protects animals and the environment. The word haribon is a shortcut for 'haring ibon' means 'king bird' in Filipino language. Sometimes they organize birdwatching and other activities! I just love the wildlife here! 

What I don't love though is the weather. It's so hot and humid! I'm still not used to being in a tropical climate even if my dad and I have been here for almost a year now. We're originally from Cambridge, Massachusetts but my father was offered a good job here in the Philippines and my whole family decided that I come with him first. Now we're renting a house right across the house of my dad's colleague! I've made friends with his daughter but I'll write to you about her another time. In about a year, my mom and sisters will move here too. I for one am glad about moving. It's almost like I'm living my dream of being a great, professional scientist exploring in Asia! 

Oh, I almost forgot to answer your questions! I have two sisters- Angela and Emily. They're still in Cambridge right now and I miss them more than I expected to. I know Angela's going to love it here though because the daughter of my dad's friend is 16 too! It'll be like has a twin sister. I hope she doesn't replace me though. As for the pets question- I have a rabbit that I love so much! He's actually right beside me as I write this e-mail. 

By the way, it' so cool that your cousins live on a farm and have so many animals! Have you visited them lately? And how was your summer?

I can't wait to hear from you!

Bunny ears and butterfly wings Sincerely,

P.S.- I'm so sorry if my e-mail's long!